The Truth About Using Hair Hydration Masks On Natural Hair

May 24, 2021

The Truth About Using Hair Hydration Masks On Natural Hair

If you are new to the whole natural hair thing, you probably underestimate the importance of hydrating your natural hair. Don't feel bad. A lot of naturals do it. So, we'll be taking you through the hydration journey in this article. You'll learn the importance of hair hydration masks and how you can go about it.

Let's consider Gina.

Gina began her natural hair journey in 2018. Who wouldn't, though? It was thrilling to see ladies come out with their kinky hair, long and shiny, looking awesome! 

So Gina thought, "Hey, my hair can look like that too!".

However, after a year of growing out her natural hair, she could not point out what went wrong. Instead of long and shiny curls, she was stuck with dull, dry and extremely tangling hair. And her hair was not any longer than when she started.

There was one step Gina ignored: Hydrating her natural hair.

Let me tell you, sis, hair hydration masks are the way to go!

What is a Hydrating Hair Mask?

Just like skin hydration masks, a hydrating hair mask is used to add and lock moisture in the scalp to give you a healthy scalp and hair. And if you are wondering, "Just what makes this hydration important?"

Here's how it works:

Your scalp secrets a sebum which hydrates the hair strands, keeping them from being brittle and dry.

Most times, the sebum is inadequate and unable to hydrate all your hair. So you have to assist it by hydrating it to avoid dry hair which leads to breakage.

What are the Benefits of Hair Hydration?

Hydrating your natural hair helps to make your scalp and hair healthy and moist. Dry scalp exposes you to dandruff and dry hair is definitely not one that grows! 

Using a moisturizing routine and hair hydration masks helps to lock in the moisture you need to grow soft, easy to untangle, shiny and strong hair. This also helps to maintain length retention. You can fully enjoy the curly beauty of your natural hair when it is adequately hydrated.


Why is Natural Hair So Dry?

We love the curls our kinky hair comes with but it's so dry! Why?

Natural hair is really coily. It experiences more shrinkage and tangling compared to other hair types.

Whenever sebum is secreted to hydrate the hair, it is unable to travel through all the twists and turns of our coils and the tangles to hydrate the strands and roots.

This is why the African hair is so dry and requires moisture to keep it soft and flexible.

How Do I Know If My Hair Needs Moisture or Hydration?

When I started my natural hair journey, I disregarded the need for moisture in my hair. My idea for proper care was shampoo, conditioner, cream and protective styling. I didn't think moisturizing made any difference.

But it did!

It left my hair so dry and weak. It broke off easily, even when I tried combing through it gently. It looks so dull and tangled. I felt my hair was never going to grow past the level it was! 

These are the signs to look out for if you suspect your hair needs moisturizing:

  • Dry and brittle hair
  • Breakages
  • Dull-looking hair
  • Difficult to untangle

You can also take this simple test: Take a strand of your hair and stretch. If it breaks quickly, hurry and start your hydration routine! 

How Can I Hydrate My Hair?

Now you know why your hair keeps breaking, you are ready for this step.

It is important to note that hydrating your hair is a continuous process to maintain a healthy hair. This is what you must do:

  • Keep hydrated: Drinking enough liquids is not only good for your skin, it is wonderful for your hair! It is highly important to maintain your internal water balance; keep yourself hydrated!
  • Select a good shampoo and wash routine: Now you don't want to choose shampoos that'll dry out the little sebum in your hair. So choose oil based and non-sulfate shampoos to maintain the oil. Do not wash your hair too often. It's a big NO-NO. Frequent shampooing will dry out your scalp.
  • Nourish your hair with hydration masks:  Hydration masks help lock in moisture. You can try using any natural oil (coconut oil, castor oil, avocado oil, rosemary oil etc.) suitable for you. If you want to go straight into it without the DIY processes and methods, try our BIYO Curl Reset Maximum Hydration Hair Mask.  It contains ingredients that hydrates and retains moisture in the hair, leaving it soft, resilient and healthy! No more breakages!

Can You Moisturize Your Hair with Just Water?

Yes, you can! Water is really important to moisturize your hair. However, hydrating your 4C hair requires more than just water. It is necessary to keep the moisture locked in your hair so water cannot be used alone. Using a natural oil after wetting your hair helps to lock it in so the moisture stays in longer. Apply this to divided sections of your hair and twist each section.

Should I Moisturize My 4C Hair Daily?

If you are new to the whole moisturizing agenda, then it is a “Yes” and “Yes” for you, dear! You have to hydrate  your 4C natural hair daily to have a moisture build up so your hair becomes soft and strong.

Follow a moisturizing routine with water and oil daily. Use hair hydration masks once or twice a month with deep conditioning. As you progress, you can slow down. You do not want to have oily and heavy hair. Trust me, it's messy so make sure you strike that all-important balance.

Well, well, look who's going to start a hair hydration routine! Hydrating your natural hair brings out its shiny "kinkyness". It makes your hair long and easy to style. There are a lot of moisturizing routines. Get your hair hydration masks. I advise you to stick to one which is convenient for you and your hair.  Do not go overboard with it.

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